This message should be sent to every conservative state's representatives, especially since the US Supreme court is siding with the TRAITORS OF OUR COUNTRY AND WILL NOT HELP CORRECT THIS FRAUD AND TREASONOUS ACTION.
I sent this message to the Texas governor, Florida governor and all our national representatives of Florida ( my home state )
Conservative states must now demand that TRAITORS ARE NOT WELCOME AND WILL BE ARRESTED.
Every Conservative state should make it plain to all the traitorous Democrats in the federal government that their presence in your state will not be tolerated... AT ALL... and if they enter your state that they will be immediately arrested for TREASON AND FRAUD.
I am asking all our conservative states that did follow our election laws to place an IMMEDIATE BAN on all those traitors to our Republic.
NOTHING GOOD can be achieved by allowing those people into our states.
I sent this message to the Governor of Texas about the ' planned visit by the thieving traitor Biden '
President Biden will fly to #Texas this week to meet with local leaders to discuss the #Relief efforts and “the incredible resilience shown by the people of Houston and Texas,” said WH press secretary #JenPsaki.
I am enjoying the chatter very much. Thanks so much to all you fellow vets for your service. Your love for our country is heartwarming and exciting at the same time.
... and try to find another job if you are disabled.... when I learned all that as it was getting developed... never had all those classes and certificates, learned all of it on the job as we developed it. Now people get degrees and all those pieces of paper<G>... and I trained A LOT of people ( our factory had about 3000 people at one time ). I still work on things for family and friends but I sure don't advertise it<G>.. if they had to pay me for what I do, they couldn't afford it from a ' professional '.
@Rfgamble That's quite an accomplishment. Since FB went commie, I have been mainly on MeWe, Telegram and now this platform. With all of your expertise, maybe you can take down FB. I am glad to be in touch with like-minded Patriots such as yourself. I am a disabled retired SM also.
Sounds like you are a great source to help us get groups going
I have been the main ' national ' admin for the United States Minutemen since 2011 since I am disabled. I had my own web server before that with many of the ideas we pass around today and was asked to join and then start building groups for every county and territory of the US on FB... took over 7 months but I completed that task my CO at the time gave me, even though he got PO'd and left for Texas during that time.
I was harassed by FB from the time I started... making groups ' too fast '... so I had to pace myself or get slammed for a few days in FB jail... people back then had never heard of anyone having those problems... but there were none with nearly 4000 groups and pages like our Minutemen structure was at that time either ( I have a massive set of spread sheets with every address documented, county, region, states and all the assorted support groups we had also ... I cleaned the FB references out at the end of August 2020 and saved the last as a historical reference in case we can ever sue them and now building on as many other social media sites as I run into. We call our ' new home ' since it has a folder based file system )
Our ' idea ' is to give a place for Patriots to meet online and then they can meet face to face afterwards. OPSEC is maintained on the open web... you do your own group planning off social media. Our ' lower level ' FB groups at the county and region level were configured as ' secret ' when created and did not show up in searches by default, thought the admins / CO / XO controlling each of them could change as needed.
We used my old ' III% ' web server as a centralized information area the FB admins were to copy down to their local areas., backups of the spread sheets were in the FB file areas and also on the web server and replicated to many different areas. Other groups have even pulled the spread sheet set down and used the structure for their own uses since it had every state on a different sheet with the county and regions, along with other neat information like radio frequencies used around the country and resource material links.
FB did not like that web server and black listed it from their site, making it a little more difficult for the other admins to replicate information but it is still operational and I continue to update it as I have time.
@Rfgamble I like your ideas but it's not that simple. There were times that we could go out and personally handle our problems and call it a day but we have what is called justice and law. We are seeing in real time that the powers that be are no longer for our best interest. The unlawful are beconing emoowered. As law abiding citizens we are supposed to be protected under The Constitution. Instead, we are seeing that every level of the justice system has been compromised and are now against us. If we stoop as low as them, we will be just like them. The solution is to identify the corrupt, replace them, and allow true justice to weed out good from bad. Right now only the bad are favored over the good and it is not by chance. Our society, at every level, has been infiltrated by years of Communistic doctrine funded by the wealthy elite with the ultimate goal of controlling us under a one-world order. The United States has never fallen for this ever since we triumphantly defeated the British and were freed from this type of tyranny. Our FREE nation has since been on the world radar to be subjected to infiltration, attacks and overthrow. The Patriots who have interfered had to be eliminated one way or another because they were in the way of exposing the big takeover. Ironically, we have those using the freedoms that many have shed their blood for to preserve, to destroy our great nation! If they don't soon wake up to THEIR potential demise then we may have to go back to the ways of old. But I like your idea.
What the blue collar democrat doesn't realize is that their party is cutting their throats until they can't find a good paying job or get laid off. The corporations are so greedy they want the illegals and want them to have immunity. Blue collar workers have to bargain for pay, but if we fight for more money they just lay you off and hire illegals or other immigrants for less money, they are willing to work for less because they don't own a home or a car in most cases, they live in cramped homes and just pay for food and bed. We have been losing the battle for a long time. The most will wake up when it hits the LPNS, hygienists and other 2 to 4 year college career jobs, but it will be too late if we wait to make a stand then.
I like it. Thanks for speaking the truth.