How far do I take this?
How far should we go?
Can it be successful?
Will we ever know?
Is the battle we’re waging,
gunna be our regret?
Do the American people
Care to do this again?
Will we fight for the flag
Only to be lost in the wind?
Will people forget
All the things that we did?
Will liberty ring
Anymore in this town?
Will the answer we seek
Ever really be found?
Do patriots still roam
In the halls of D.C.?
Did they all go home,
Leaving tyrants the key?
Do I stand alone,
Or do you stand with me?
Will America awake,
Or continue deceived?
Will the battle hymn sound
When the words are all done
Will the people rise up
When that time has come?
Will the ones who stood tall
Be crushed swiftly and neat
Will the bodies be strewn
On America’s streets
Will fake news win the day
And help government hide
The corruption they made
And the way that they lied?
Will heroes be silenced
One way or another
Or will we win the fight
Against our Big Brother
When Liberty’s tree
Is wilting and weak
Must she must be watered
By the blood in the streets?